
A HUBER gyár és központi iroda Németországban

A Silex Water Technologies Kft. a HUBER csoport magyarországi képviselője.

Anyavállalatunk, a HUBER SE, mely több mint 175 éve a Huber család tulajdonában van, a német Bajorországban található. A sikeres környezetvédelmi technológiai vállalat világszerte több mint 60 leányvállalatával, irodájával és képviselőjével a víz- és szennyvíztisztítás, iszapkezelés területén kiemelkedő szerepet tölt be. A HUBER adaptált kezelési eljárásai világszerte több mint 45.000 telepítéssel járulnak hozzá a globális vízproblémák megoldásához.

A vállalat korszerű berendezéseket, valamint megoldásokat szállít mindennemű szennyvíz, üzemi víz és ivóvíz kezelésére. A világszerte több mint 1200 alkalmazottat foglalkoztató HUBER-csoport éves forgalma több mint 200 millió euró.

A központ és a gyár több mint 175 éve található Berchingben. A kisváros Münchentől észak felé, körülbelül 120 kilométerre fekszik, melyet az Altmühl-völgy gyönyörű természetes erdeje vesz körül, és a Rajna-Majna-Duna-csatornán keresztül mind az Északi-, mind a Fekete-tengerhez kapcsolódik. Berching több mint 1100 éves történelemre tekint vissza, a mai napig középkori városfal és kaputoronyok veszik körül.

Tovább olvasok...Bezárás

For many decades the company has been innovative on the potable and wastewater treatment sector and developing new solutions for preservation of the most valuable resource – our water.

The products have grown in the long tradition of the HUBER company and have been developed in cooperation with the customer and for the customer. Over decades a complete program of equipment for buildings related to water treatment was created. The fundamental assumption was to offer equipment with the same life span as the concrete buildings to which it was added. This assumption precluded all materials but stainless steel. In close interaction with the decisive authorities, contractors and operating parties, a complete program was created which takes into consideration the very particular requirements of all different fields of application for water - considering also the local conditions in the different regions of the world.

More than 175 years of tradition present a commitment. It was in 1872 when Johann Huber married into an existing coppersmithy and since then the company has been owned by the Huber family. From the very beginning, the company’s activities have strongly been related to both potable and waste water. As coppersmiths, the family’s first generation manufactured containers and equipment for breweries and food suppliers.
Systematically these skills and experiences were expanded and adapted to the particularly developing demands of the customer. The usage of copper as basic material evolved into products made from stainless steel. Our machines and equipment for both potable and waste water were constantly modified according to the requirements of these sectors. Tradition and progress, knowledge of the raw material and close relations with our customers led to the development of today’s products. The HUBER company is located, as it has been since its beginning in the 19th century, in Berching in the centre of Europe.

HUBER sets signals into the future: New and permanently improved and extended production plants in Berching / Bavaria provide the necessary capabilities to fulfill our mission as strong global partner for innovative products in water treatment also in the future. It is in Berching where the company does research, where new products and processes are developed and where new concepts for water treatment are created - also in close cooperation with the local subsidiaries and consideration of their local necessities and requirements.

You will find more information on our parent company at their website